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Podcast Episode 1: deep democracy meets organizations with Virginia Anderson

#NWASUST Episode 1: deep democracy meets organizations

This is the first episode of the podcast: New Work and Sustainability

What is wrong with asking your team?

How do you create a space for all voices to be heard in your organization? And why do we need this?

In organizations people need a space to have a voice!

Why? This enables people to grow in a team, share their knowledge, connect with other team members and create a sense of belonging. This helps to prevent quiet quitting, fraud, and burnout and many other things.

One way to create a space where all voices can be heard is the process work and systemic constellation work approach called “deep democracy” by Arnold Mindell. An experienced coach facilitates deep democracy and supports the team, department, or organization through the process and the debrief. It can be used in leadership development, team development, organizational development, in a change, or transformation process. Some topics on the team level are: How does a team work together? How do we want to communicate with each other? How does my team experience my leadership through our transformation?

1️⃣ Phase 1: Ideally the group chooses the topic through a topic gathering and voting process. The topic most voted is the topic the deep democracy will be about (or the leader chooses the topic).

2️⃣ Phase 2: An experienced coach walks the group through the process and creates a safe space for the group to learn about themselves, their relationships and tackle challenges.

3️⃣ Phase 3: Debrief what the team has learned during the process of deep democracy and how the next steps could look like

Find out more about deep democracy

?? ?️? Join the podcast “New Work and Sustainability” with Virginia Anderson on “deep democracy meets organizations” to learn in depth, how the process looks like, and how you could use it for your team and for your organization.

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My guest today: Virginia Anderson

Virginia Anderson, a highly appreciated colleague of mine, Leadership and Performance coach, consultant and trainer. Virginia lives in Luxembourg and works in Europe. Connect with her on LinkedIn.

Our topic – Deep democracy meets organizations

What is wrong with asking your team? How do you create a space for all voices to be heard in your organization? And why do we need this?

In organizations people need a space to have a voice! One way to create a space where all voices can be heard is the process work and systemic constellation work approach called “deep democracy” by Arnold Mindell. An experienced coach facilitates deep democracy and supports the team, department, or organization through the process and the debrief. It can be used in leadership development, team development, organizational development, in a change, or transformation process.

In this episode we discuss the what, the why and the how exactly of a deep democracy process in organizations and for teams.

Episode in detail

00:00-2:33 Intro to the show, episode, and guest
2:33- 3:40 What is deep democracy?
3:40- 6:42 Why it is important to make every voice heard?
6:42-12:00 How does this work in detail?
12:00-14:16 What is a role and how do you show agreement or disagreement?
14:16-18:07 Making the group intelligence visible and being inclusive
18:07- 22:30 Deep democracy as a mindset and a way to lead a team
22.30-24:24 Deep democracy for remote and hybrid teams
24:24- 26:30 As a leader read and see what is happening in your team
26:30-29:30 How share and use the learnings of a deep democracy process in your leadership and as a team
29:30-34:23 Don’t be afraid and trust your people to move forward
34:23-35.45 Connect with Virginia, let us continue the discussion and join us for the next episode

Resources we mention

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Want to work with me? Write me an email: info[a] or a LinkedIn DM.

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